Convert mg/m3 to PPM Conversion

Convert mg/m3 to PPM Conversion

Convert mg/m3 to PPM Parts Per Million

Enter a Mg/M3 Number

Molecular Weight (ex: So2 Molecular weight is 64.1)

Your NTP Result (mg/m3) Will Be Shown Here

Your NTP Result (ug/m3) Will Be Shown Here

Your STP Result (mg/m3) Will Be Shown Here

Your STP Result (ug/m3) Will Be Shown Here

Information about Mg/M3 to PPM

STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure): defined at air 1 atm or 1 atmosphere at 00C - 273.15 K, 320F. - In STP (1 Mole) of a Gas is equal to 22.45 Litres

NTP (Normal Temperature and Pressure): defined at air 1 atm or 1 atmosphere at 200C - 293.15 K, 680F. - In NTP (1 Mole) of a Gas is equal to 24.45 Litres

Mg/M3 to PPM (Parts Per Million).

ppm in NTP = (MgM3 * 24.45) / Molecular Weight
exp: (42.3 * 24.45) / 33.9 = 30.50 PPM milligram

ppm in STP = (MgM3 * 24.45) / Molecular Weight
exp: (42.3 * 22.45) / 33.9 = 28.01 PPM milligram